Jo Day


I was passionate about design from a young age and art college offered me an enriched introduction into the world of art and design.

By the time I had graduated with a BA Hons degree in Furniture and Product design, I remember questioning my decision to become a furniture designer with thoughts of; do we really need another chair design?

I knew then that my work had to make a difference and I could do that through innovation and creativity within the office, retail, public and educational sectors.

I am passionate about sustainability and understand my duty as a designer to carefully consider the impact a new product will have on our environment in both the short and long term. 

For design to stay relevant it needs to be able to evolve or adapt and this results in much of my work being modular and multifunctional. 

I strive to push boundaries in both manufacturing and the use of materials offering a fresh approach to how I work with clients.


I don't follow trends, I dare to be different!